Το έγγραφο που διέρρευσε σε σουηδική
εφημερίδα θέλει τις ΗΠΑ να προετοίμασαν
τον πόλεμο στην Ουκρανία για να πλήξουν
την ΕΕ! - Είναι αυθεντικό;
Ποια είναι
η Rand Corporation:
Corporation ("έρευνα και
ανάπτυξη") [7] είναι μια αμερικανική
μη κερδοσκοπική ομάδα σκέψης παγκόσμιας
πολιτικής [1] που δημιουργήθηκε το 1948
από την Douglas Aircraft
Company για να προσφέρει
έρευνα και ανάλυση στις Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις
των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών
απασχόλησε ξανά τον διεθνή τύπο;
Ο Daniel
Ellsberg (γεννημένος στις 7 Απριλίου
1931) είναι Αμερικανός πολιτικός ακτιβιστής
και πρώην στρατιωτικός αναλυτής των
Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών . Ενώ
εργαζόταν στην RAND
Corporation , ο Ellsberg προκάλεσε μια
εθνική πολιτική διαμάχη το 1971 όταν
κυκλοφόρησε τα Pentagon
Papers , μια άκρως απόρρητη μελέτη
του Πενταγώνου για
τη λήψη αποφάσεων της κυβέρνησης
των ΗΠΑ σε σχέση με τον πόλεμο του Βιετνάμ ,
στους The
New York Times , The
Washington Post και άλλες εφημερίδες.
Στις 3
Ιανουαρίου 1973, ο Έλσμπεργκ κατηγορήθηκε
βάσει του νόμου
περί κατασκοπείας του 1917 μαζί
με άλλες κατηγορίες για κλοπή και
συνωμοσία, με συνολική μέγιστη ποινή
κάθειρξης 115 ετών. Λόγω κυβερνητικού
παραπτώματος και παράνομης συλλογής
αποδεικτικών στοιχείων και της υπεράσπισης
του Leonard
Boudin και του καθηγητή της
Νομικής Σχολής του Χάρβαρντ, Charles
Nesson , ο δικαστής
William Matthew Byrne Jr. απέρριψε όλες
τις κατηγορίες εναντίον του Ellsberg στις
11 Μαΐου 1973.
Ο Έλσμπεργκ
τιμήθηκε με το βραβείο Right
Livelihood το 2006. Είναι επίσης
γνωστός για τη διατύπωση ενός σημαντικού
παραδείγματος στη θεωρία
αποφάσεων , το παράδοξο
του Έλσμπεργκ , τις εκτενείς
μελέτες του για τα πυρηνικά
όπλα και την
πυρηνική πολιτική και για
την υποστήριξη των WikiLeaks , Chelsea
Manning και Έντουαρντ
Σνόουντεν .
Ο Έλσμπεργκ
τιμήθηκε με το Βραβείο
Όλοφ Πάλμε 2018 για τον «βαθύ
ανθρωπισμό και το εξαιρετικό ηθικό του
θάρρος». [1]
Τι λέει
εν συντομία το κείμενο;
Ότι η
χρηματοπιστωτική κρίση στις ΗΠΑ μπορεί
να λυθεί μόνο αν διαλύσει οικονομικά
την Ευρώπη, χτυπώντας την κεντρική της
δύναμη όπου είναι η Γερμανία. Αυτό φυσικά
θα επιφέρει την κατάρρευση όλων
εξαρτώμενων χωρών από την Ευρωπαϊκή
Κεντρική Τράπεζα.
25, 2022 Confidential
WHCS, ANSA, Dept, of State, CIA, NSA, DNC
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Germany, strengthening the U.S.
present state of the U.S. economy does not suggest that it can
function without financial and material support from external
sources. The quantitative easing policy, which the Fed has resorted
to regularly in recent years, as well as the uncontrolled issue of
cash during the 2020 and 2021 Covid lockdowns, have led to a sharp
increase in the external debt and an increase in the dollar supply.
continuing deterioration of the economic situation is highly likely
to lead to a loss in the position of the Democratic Party in Congress
and the Senate in the forthcoming elections to be held in November
2022. The impeachment of the President cannot be ruled out under
these circumstances, which must be avoided at all costs.
is an urgent need for resources to flow into the national economy,
especially the banking system. Only European countries bound by EU
and NATO commitments will be able to provide them without significant
military and political costs for us.
major obstacle to it is growing independence of Germany. Although it
still is a country with limited sovereignty, for decades it has been
consistently moving toward lifting these limitations and becoming a
fully independent state. This movement is slow and cautious, but
steady. Extrapolation shows that the ultimate goal can be reached
only in several decades. However, if social and economic problems in
the United States escalate, the pace could accelerate significantly.
additional factor contributing to Germany’s economic independence
is Brexit. With the withdrawal of the UK from the EU structures, we
have lost a meaningful opportunity to influence the negotiation of
crossgovemmental decisions.
is fear of our negative response which by and large determines the
relatively slow speed of those changes. If one day we abandon Europe,
there will be a good chance for Germany and France to get to a full
political consensus. Then, Italy and other Old Europe countries -
primarily the former ECSC members - may join it on certain
conditions. Britain, which is currently outside the European Union,
will not be able to resist the pressure of the Franco-German duo
alone. If implemented, this scenario will eventually turn Europe into
not only an economic, but also a political competitor to the United
if the U.S. is for a certain period is engulfed by domestic problems,
the Old Europe will be able to more effectively resist the influence
of the U.S.-oriented Eastern European countries.
in German and EU Economy
! An
increase in the flow of resources from Europe to U.S. can be expected
if Germany begins
experience a controlled economic crisis. The pace of economic
development in the EU depends almost without alternative on the state
of the German economy. It is Germany that bears the brunt of the
expenditure directed towards the poorer EU members.
current German economic model is based on two pillars. These are
unlimited access to cheap Russian energy resources and to cheap
French electric power, thanks to the operation of nuclear power
plants. The importance of the first factor is considerably higher.
Halting Russian supplies can well create a systemic crisis that would
be devastating for the German economy and, indirectly, for the entire
European Union.
French energy sector could also soon begin to experience heavy
problems. The predictable stop of Russian-controlled nuclear fuel
supplies, combined with the unstable situation in the Sahel region,
would make French energy sector critically dependent on Australian
and Canadian fuel. In connection with the establishment of AUKUS, it
creates new opportunities to exercise pressure. However this issue is
beyond the scope of the present report.
Controlled Crisis
to coalition constraints, the German leadership is not in full
control of the situation in the country. Thanks to our precise
actions, it has been possible to block the. commissioning of the Nord
Stream 2 pipeline, despite the opposition of lobbyists from the steel
and chemical industries. However, the dramatic deterioration of the
living standards may encourage the leadership to reconsider its
policy and return to the idea of European sovereignty and strategic
only feasible way to guarantee Germany’s rejection of Russian
energy supplies is to involve both sides in the military conflict in
Ukraine. Our further actions in this country will inevitably lead to
a military response from Russia. Russians will obviously not be able
to leave unanswered the massive Ukrainian army pressure on the
unrecognized Donbas republics. That would make possible to declare
Russia an aggressor and apply to it the entire package of sanctions
prepared beforehand.
may in turn decide to impose limited counter-sanctions - primarily on
Russian energy supplies to Europe. Thus, the damage to the EU
countries will be quite comparable to the one to the Russians, and in
some countries - primarily in Germany - it will be higher.
prerequisite for Germany to fall into this trap is the leading role
of green parties and ideology in Europe. The German Greens are a
strongly dogmatic, if not zealous, movement, which makes it quite
easy to make them ignore economic arguments. In this respect, the
German Greens somewhat exceed their counterparts in the rest of
Europe. Personal features and the lack of professionalism of their
leaders - primarily Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck - permit to
presume that it is next to impossible for them to admit their own
mistakes in a timely manner.
it will be enough to quickly form the media image of Putin’s
aggressive war to turn the Greens mto ardent and hardline supporters
of sanctions, a ‘party of war’. It will enable the sanctions
regime to be introduced without any obstacles. The lack of
professionalism of the current leaders will not allow a .setback in
the future, even when the negative impact of the chosen policy
becomes obvious enough. The partners in the German governing
coalition will simply have to follow their allies - at least until
the load of economic problems outweighs the fear of provoking a
government crisis.
even when the SPD and the FDP are ready to go against the Greens, the
possibility for the next government to return relations with Russia
to normal soon enough will be noticeably limited. Germany’s
involvement in large supplies of weapons and military equipment to
the Ukrainian army will inevitably generate a strong mistrust in
Russia, which will make the negotiation process quite lengthy.
war crimes and Russian aggression against Ukraine are confirmed, the
German political leadership will not be able to overcome its EU
partners’ veto on assistance to Ukraine and reinforced sanctions
packages. This will ensure a sufficiently long gap in cooperation
between Germany and Russia, which will make large German economic
operators uncompetitive.
reduction in Russian energy supplies - ideally, a complete halt of
such supplies - would lead to disastrous outcomes for German
industry. The need to divert significant amounts of Russian gas for
winter heating of residential and public facilities will further
exacerbate the shortages. Lockdowns in industrial enterprises will
cause shortages of components and spare parts for manufacturing, a
breakdown of logistic chains, and, eventually, a dominc effect. A
complete standstill at the largest in the chemical, metallurgical,
and machine-building, plants is likely, while they have virtually no
spare capacity to reduce energy consumption. It could lead to the
shutting down of continuous-cycle enterprises, which would mean their
cumulative losses of the German economy can be estimated only
approximately. Even if the restriction of Russian supplies is limited
to 2022, its consequences will last for several years, and the total
losses could reach 200-300 billion euros. Not only will it deliver a
devastating blow to the German economy, but the entire EU economy
will inevitably collapse. We are talking not about a decline in
economy growth pace, but about a sustained recession and a decline in
GDP only in material production by 3-4% per year for the next 5-6
years. Such a fall will inevitably cause panic in the financial
markets and may bring them to a collapse.
euro will inevitably, and most likely irreversibly, fall below the
dollar. A sharp fall of euro will consequently cause its global sale.
It will become a toxic currency, and all countries in the world will
rapidly reduce its share in their forex reserves. This gap will be
primarily filled with dollar and yuan.
inevitable consequence of a prolonged economic recession will be a
sharp drop in living standards and rising unemployment (up to
200,000-400,000 in Germany alone), which will entail the exodus of
skilled labour and well-educated young people. There are literally no
other destinations for such migration other than the United States
today. A somewhat smaller, but also quite significant flow of
migrants can be expected from other EU countries.
scenario under consideration will thus serve to strengthen the
national financial condition both indirectly and most directly. In
the short term, it will reverse the trend of the looming economic
recession and, in addition, consolidate American society by
distracting it from immediate economic concerns. This, in turn, will
reduce electoral risks.
the medium term (4-5 years), the cumulative benefits of capital
flight, re-oriented logistical flows and reduced competition in major
industries may amount to USD 7-9 trillion.
China is also expected to benefit over the medium term from this
emerging scenario. At the same time, Europe’s deep political
dependence on the U.S. allows us to effectively neutralise possible
attempts by individual European states to draw closer to China.